Positivity is so important. It's one of the most powerful elements that can transform your life. Positive thinking is also essential to achieve HAPPINESS. And while being positive is something I've learned to focus on over time, happiness is something that I feel as a result of my overall positive and healthy lifestyle I lead. Today on my blog I'm sharing with you some tips how to achieve happiness. + Get motivated by today's quote!
Happy Monday guys and happy new week to you all. It's first Monday of the new month, and time for NEW Monday Motivation post. February was short, cold and quite wintery - cloudy and gloomy BUT that didn't affect my mood. No way! I avoided cold and flu this winter, I was happy and positive all month + I've accomplished almost all my goals, and I'm quite proud of myself. I'm happily saying goodbye to February and welcoming March with my arms wide open. It's time to set the tone for the beautiful March. Let's all hope spring will come soon. There's so much we can do this month... so what are we waiting for. Right?!
Today I wanna talk to you about POSITIVITY and happiness. What is positivity exactly and why it is so important?
Positivity, by definition, is “the practice of being or tendency to be positive or optimistic in attitude.” It's one of the most powerful elements that can transform your life and empower you to change your lifestyle and your health. Positivity and happiness are closely related. Positivity (positive thinking) is essential to achieve happiness. And while being positive is something I've learned to focus on over time, happiness is something that I feel as a result of my overall positive and healthy lifestyle I lead.
My happiness comes from gratitude I feel EVERY single day. I'm grateful for this life, for my beautiful family, for the HEALTH. I truly appreciate everything that is happening around me - the positive and the negative stuff... because life isn't always easy and peachy. Every challenge is a new opportunity to learn something. And when we fail or something negative happens to us, it's a chance to LEARN and GROW. I realized that and embraced it. Most people when they meet me they instantly notice my energy. I'm bursting with positivity and happiness. It's just something that I AM - happy! I smile and talk happily with people... sometimes even too much. Sometimes I overwhelm people. I might seem like a crazy person, or like I'm on some drugs, supercharged. But that's just the outcome of my positivity.
How come I burst with so much positivity and energy all the time? Well, I feel happy and ALIVE. I feel good and healthy because I take care of my body charging it with healthy foods. I've changed my life - I've healed my body. All of my energy comes from the healthy food I eat every single day and as a product of this NEW healthier lifestyle. Food I eat gives me energy an keeps my body and my mind working. Opposite from how I felt before - sluggish and without energy, battling with all sorts of pains all the time. It WAS THE FOOD and the way I lived before that affected my mood and my life. But also I've learned that happiness comes when we stop complaining and whining about problems you have. Just stop doing that. What about all the problems you DON'T have?! Think about that!
The truth is, we all make our own happiness. If you look for the positive things in life, you WILL find them. We can CHOOSE to be happy and positive. You, right now have a chance to choose whether you'll be healthy and happy in the future. This is the moment. And if you're positive, you will make it.
Here are some of my quick tips how to achieve happiness:
- Pursue your passion whatever that is. Passions and hobbies are so important and bring light into our lives.
- Let go the past. Stop holding a grudge over something you can not change. Letting go of the negativity in your life will allow more room for positive things. Things that actually matter.
- Stop giving yourself to people don't deserve you. You are amazing, and you have so much to offer to this world. Stop giving into people who do not value what you have to offer.
- Stop dreaming and just do it. Wishing doesn't get you anywhere. Start making changes in life. Just freaking DO IT. You surely can ANYTHING you set your mind to.
- Make sure you EAT HEALTHY. Charge your body with healthy food, and it will reward you with so much energy and feel-good mood.
- Drink enough water. Water is necessary. Stop neglecting that fact.
- Make sure you sleep enough. Sleep deprivation leads to depression, strengthen the stress and drives to illness. Nothing is more important than good night sleep.
- Do yoga, walk or exercise. If you're not into fitness or yoga, WALK. Walking is an easy form of exercise that increases endorphins and therefore your mood. You will feel fitter and happier! This will positively impact your life.
- Change your outlook on life. Look at the world/life as a positive. Focus on the light and bring it into your life. Problems are challenges that we can overcome. And sometimes when things are falling apart, they actually falling into place.
- Stop saying no or maybe to everything. Get rid of all the excuses that hold you in place. Go out and DO IT! Stop doubting yourself and your abilities.
Now go and create your own happiness. Dare to begin that lifestyle change. NOW, not tomorrow and later. And while in that challenging process of learning, falling, picking up and changing, you just BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. Remember... Your only limit is you! Believe and you will achieve!
Until next time, stay HAPPY and healthy.
Xoxo, Natalie
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