Hello, my dear friends! Happy Monday and happy new week to you all. Can you believe it's Monday? I totally can't! Like, where did weekend go? WHERE? :) I had such a relaxing Sunday (well whole weekend was easy going), and you would expect that I got well rested. Right? Well NOT. This morning ... oh my ... I could barely get out of my bed. I rewarded myself with staying in bed for only 15 minutes longer (which was a huge mistake). At the end, we all slept over which messed up our usual morning routine. We had quick brekkie and rushed out of the house to school and the office. It was super crazy morning. But there's no room for gloominess (nor yawning). I decided that today it's going to be one (sleepy but) AMAZING Monday!
Since I'm pumped up with positivity, let me share some of that POSITIVITY with you guys.
You know how I usually do a briefing in my Motivation Monday posts about what I did last week... well today I have nothing to brief you about. Last week I skipped my usual Motivation Monday post. I've also skipped my usual recipe publishing on Thursday. Yeah, I'm super slacking with recipes and posting lately. However, if you missed my Apple Tomato Soup recipe and post about 5 Simple Diet Tweaks That Will Improve Your Health, now is a good time to check those out.
Anyway not writing and not posting on my blog left me with such a void for a whole week long. I felt horrible. I've missed cooking and writing. YES! Totally! BUT I have pretty good reason for this - let's call it - slacking. I'm working on something NEW. I'm TAKING the action guys. YES finally! Woohoo so excited! Recently I've decided to step out my routine and finally do something about one of my goal (a wish) I have for quite some time. I'm in the process of growing, evolving and changing my life AGAIN. And that's the reason I'm mentioning CHANGES in my today's post.
Well, I've been planning to do this for a while - you'll find out what "this" is soon. Again, my FEAR of change blocked me, and I didn't do jack about it. I was waiting for the right moment, for the right time, for the right stars to collide... I had millions of excuses and not one real reason not to do it. And during all this time I felt just awful - scared, unsecured, miserable. SO one day (after a long talk with my hubby - he's my moral support and my voice of reason it seems) I just made a plan and jumped into it. I've said to myself - I'll just DO IT. What happens, happens.
I realized something in last few weeks... If you want to jumpstart your change, you need to have a clear goal - a clear vision of what you are aiming to achieve. Is it to lose 10, 20 or 50 pounds, change your job, or just live a healthier lifestyle - you need a goal. Goal provides you with something to look forward to when you need a boost. It gets you EXCITED. Secondly, you need to have some sort of plan. It doesn't have to be exact nor super precise. A simple plan with actions stated will do just fine. Then all you need to do is just go ahead and implement the plan. And if that plan doesn't work, learn from what went wrong, adjust the plan and continue on. Until you reach your GOAL. It IS that simple.
Change sounds so daunting, I know. It what get's us paralyzed. And yes, if you really want to achieve a goal, you will need to give up some things. But you will gain so much more. Once you get moving, everything gets easier.
Remember, the only way to get a different life is by changing something. It’s all about stepping out of your routine. You will see the change only if you make one. Don't expect the change to happen miraculously. You are the only person who can make it happen. So get on with it!
We all possess the power to change our minds, our bodies, our LIFESTYLE, our HEALTH, our DIET... When we realize that, our lives begin to transform. We begin to see how powerful and amazing we truly are.
STOP doubting and start making changes!
Until next Monday, stay HAPPY and healthy.
Xoxo, Natalie
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